$169.95 "1 1/2" Handlebar/Speedo Riser Block" for Scout & Bobber part #1.5Block Riser (shipping $12.95)
These solid aluminum powder coated blocks will raise your speedo up 1 1/2'. It positions the speedo in a more natural location. It no longer looks buried in with the tank and is a little easier to see. It can also be installed upside down and this will raise the handle bars 1 1/2 inches as well as the speedo.
$269.95 "Speedo raise and forward kit"
part #SpdoRaise1.5 (shipping $14.95) This kit will raise and push the speedo up and forward about 1 1/2" each direction. (Away from the rider.) The bars stay in the same position.

Speedo Riser

Speedo and riser/forward kit
I know it is confusing but call if you need help ordering. This unit will raise the both the speedo and bars and move them both forward. About 1.5" up and 1.5" forward. This also includeds 1/2 round spacers not shown in this photo.
Part#Spdo/BarRaise1.5 $275.95 plus $14.95 shipping
$189.95 "2 inch Handlebar/Speedo Riser Block" for Scout and Bobber part #2"BlockRiser (shipping $12.95) This does the same thing but is 2" instead of 1 1/2" It can also be flipped over to rasie the handlebars as well.
Speedo and riser/forward kit
for bikes with USB
I know it is confusing but call if you need help ordering. This unit will raise the speedo about 1.5" up and 1.5" forward. The bars remain in the same location. This also includeds 1/2 round spacers not shown in this photo. THE DIFFERECNCE WITH THIS KIT IS IT IS HAS A NOTCH SO YOU CAN USE YOUR USB PLUG.
Part#SpdoRaise1.5w/USB $289.95 plus $14.95 shipping
Speedo and bar riser/forward kit
for bikes with USB
I know it is confusing but call if you need help ordering. This unit will raise the both the speedo and bars and move them both forward. About 1.5" up and 1.5" forward. This also includeds 1/2 round spacers not shown in this photo. THE DIFFERECNCE WITH THIS KIT IS IT IS HAS A NOTCH SO YOU CAN USE YOUR USB PLUG.
Part#Spdo/BarRaise1.5w/USB $295.95 plus $14.95 shipping
VERY IMPORTANT! If you have a USB port on yor speedometer, then we need to machine the risers differently. And you get to pay an extra $24.75 Please add this in and we will know which riser to give you.